Our Cut-Ups

In August 2003, our United Methodist Ladies (Craft Ladies - alias “The Cutups") decided they wanted to do some special things for others. Such as, make “care pillows” for cancer patients and lap robes for nursing homes. After starting the sewing group it was then decided to make homemade goodies and different types of crafts to sell. This would enable the Ladies to raise money to help fund their activities.

The Ladies made Christmas decorations, candies, miscellaneous items for the kitchen and home. They were quite successful with first Auction in October 2003. This inspired the Ladies to do more. Many pieces of fabric and other materials were donated and the “ball” really started rolling.

More than just a bunch of crafts . . .

Items were put on display in Karen’s Sunday school classroom for any and all to see. It was on the honor system and a tablet was provided for the purchaser to write name of item and their own name with the amount they owed. Sales were pretty constant. The people in Karen’s class became the “first line of buyers”.

Bandera’s citywide Christmas Bazaar the early part of December gave the Ladies another time to publicize their wares. It was successful! Homemade candies and cakes sold before they could cool down. Several ladies started sliding out a display table in the hall whenever different events were held in the Fellowship Hall. The local “Arts” club met several times in the dinning hall and soon they would come through and make purchases. On various parade days a table would be put out on Main street and sometimes sales were made.

The Church was in need of some extra financial support so the ladies helped out.

Monies were donated for a partial tuition scholarship for the Pre-school. The local “Helping Hand” received a donation from the ladies. Then it was help to the “Crisis Center”.

During the winter months, our group grew to include women that were here just for the winter months. By word of mouth they heard about our group and joined with us for the fellowship and craftwork…

A nurse on the Oncology floor of the Methodist Hospital in San Antonio made known of a need for pillows for Breast Cancer patients. So they were made and delivered to the hospital. These pillows were received with great enthusiasm.

The Cutups of themselves are not a “Mission”, but an organization that sponsors a number of missions.

We have the annual Crafts, Bake Sales and Luncheon the first weekend in December. At this time we raise our major amount of monies to do the “Missions” work.

The following are some of our “Missions”: BUMC Youth, Helping Hand, Bandera Cares (formerly Crisis Center), Doctors w/o Borders, Nagle Clinic, Two children in Africa, Spirits of Christmas, USO (airport holding room for G.I.’s), Kids’ Kingdom (when needed) and PP&G (when needed), we now help sponsor our Missionaries in Costa Rica. We have in the last few years taken the opportunity to honor the ladies of our Church who are 90 and over to lunch once a year. But this is not paid from our earnings. We each pitch in and pay for the honored ones lunch and sometimes the pastor if he is present.

We thank all of you that patronize our Products and help us do our job.

Now on the first look of these events it would seem “work” was all that was accomplished. Not so! The Ladies took the weekly activity to socialize with their peers. Coffee most often was served a little past half way and many times “treats” accompanied. Discussion of many matters crucial to the world events resulted in resolution. (Not so that anyone would notice though) Recipes were exchanged. Laughter with one another and most important - “Love” was exchanged. Hugs are a most common exchange, plus caring for one another. We are sisters in Christ and our arms are open.